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Centrallix Documentation
1. Getting Started
2. Applications Overview
3. Application Components
4. Reports Overview
5. Report Components
6. SQL Language
7. Process Modeling
8. Application Modeling
9. Role-Based Security
10. Business Logic Modeling
11. Other Objects
12. External API's
13. Internal API's


page :: The top-level container that represents a Centrallix application.

visual: yes
container: yes
form element: no


The page widget represents the HTML application (or subapplication) as a whole and serves as a top-level container for other widgets in the application. The page widget also implements some important functionality regarding the management of keypresses, focus, widget resizing, and event management. When creating an application, the top-level object in the application must either be "widget/page" or "widget/frameset", where the latter is used to create a multi-framed application containing multiple page widgets.

Page widgets specify the colors for mouse, keyboard, and data focus for the application. Focus is usually indicated via the drawing of a rectangle around a widget or data item, and for a 3D-effect two colors are specified for each type of focus: a color for the top and left of the rectangle, and another color for the right and bottom of the rectangle. Mouse focus gives feedback to the user as to which widget they are pointing at (and thus which one will receive keyboard and/or data focus if the user clicks the mouse). Keyboard focus tells the user which widget will receive data entered via the keyboard. Data focus tells the user which record or data item is selected in a widget.


The page widget cannot be embedded within other widgets on a page. There must only be one per page, unless a frameset is used, in which case page widgets may be added within a frameset widget.


background string A background image for the page.
bgcolor string The background color for the page. Can either be a recognized color (such as "red"), or an RGB color (such as "#C0C0C0").
datafocus1 string A color, RGB or named, for the top and left edges of rectangles drawn to indicate data focus (default is dark blue).
datafocus2 string A color, RGB or named, for the bottom and right edges of rectangles drawn to indicate data focus (default is dark blue).
font_name string The default font to use in the application (such as "Arial").
font_size integer The default font size, in pixels (same as points on a typical 72dpi display), for text in the application.
kbdfocus1 string A color, RGB or named, to be used for the top and left edges of rectangles drawn to indicate keyboard focus (default is "white").
kbdfocus2 string A color, RGB or named, for the bottom and right edges of rectangles drawn to indicate keyboard focus (default is dark grey).
mousefocus1 string A color, RGB or named, to be used for the top and left edges of rectangles drawn to indicate mouse focus (default is "black").
mousefocus2 string A color, RGB or named, for the bottom and right edges of rectangles drawn to indicate mouse focus (default is "black").
textcolor string The default color for text which appears on the page. Can either be a named color or RGB (numeric) color.
title string The title which will appear in the browser's window title bar.
x integer
y integer
widget_template string One or more comma-separated pathnames for widget templates to use. The specified files should contain "widget/template" objects (see "widget/template for details).
width integer
height integer
show_diagnostics yes/no Set this to "yes" to display message boxes when application errors occur, such as an undefined property reference. The default is "no", but this is handy when debugging.

Child Properties:

none currently available


none currently available


none currently available

Sample Code:

// A really simple application.Just a blank page with a title.
MyPage "widget/page"
	title = "This is an example page.";
	bgcolor = "white";
	textcolor = "black";

	// widgets for application go here


(none yet)

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