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Centrallix Documentation
1. Getting Started
2. Applications Overview
3. Application Components
4. Reports Overview
5. Report Components
6. SQL Language
7. Process Modeling
8. Application Modeling
9. Role-Based Security
10. Business Logic Modeling
11. Other Objects
12. External API's
13. Internal API's


menu :: A visual pop-up or drop-down menu widget.

visual: yes
container: no
form element: no


The menu widget is used to create popup menus, drop-down menus, and menu bars. Menu widgets consist of a series of menuitem widgets which compose a menu.

Menu items are generally linked to actions on a page via the use of connectors. Simply place the connector inside the menu item widget.

Note: as of the time of writing, menu widgets were not yet properly functional.


Menus can be placed inside of any visual container. However, be aware that the menu will be clipped by its container, so placing them at the top-level can be of an advantage. Menu widgets contain menuitem widgets, which are also described in this section.


background string A background image for the menu.
bgcolor string A color, RGB or named, to be used as the menu's background. If neither bgcolor nor background are specified, the menu is transparent.
fgcolor string A color for the menu's text.
active_background string A background image for a menu item that is selected (clicked on)
active_bgcolor string A color, RGB or named, to be used as a selected (clicked) item's background. If neither active_bgcolor nor active_background are specified, the 'highlight' color or background is used instead.
highlight_background string A background image for a menu item that is highlighted (pointed at).
highlight_bgcolor string A color, RGB or named, to be used as a highlighted (pointed-at) item's background. If neither highlight_bgcolor nor highlight_background are specified, the standard color or background is used instead.
direction string Either "horizontal" or "vertical" (default), and determines whether the menu is a drop-down/popup (vertical) or a menubar (horizontal).
popup yes/no Default "no". Popup menus disappear after an item on them is selected, whereas fixed menus remain visible (such as for menubars).
row_height integer height, in pixels, of the menu items in a menu.
height integer height, in pixels, of the menu, for menus with a direction of 'horizontal'.
width integer width, in pixels, of the menu. For menus with a direction of 'vertical', an unspecified width is determined dynamically based on the menu contents.
x integer x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the menu, relative to its container.
y integer y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the menu, relative to its container.

Child Properties:

(of widget/menuitem child widgets)

icon string Optionally, the pathname of an image file to display to the left of the menu item.
checked yes/no Optionally, a checkbox can be displayed to the left of the menu item when 'checked' is specified. In this case, the 'value' can also be a runclient() expression that controls whether the menu item is checked.
onright yes/no If set to "yes", then the menu item will be displayed on the righthand side of a horizontal menu bar (e.g., for having "File" "Edit" "Tools" on the left, and "Help" on the far right).
label string The text to appear on the menu item.
value string The 'value' of the menu item, passed to the Selected event, below. If not specified, it defaults to the name of the widget (not its label).

(of widget/menusep child widgets)

none currently available

(of widget/menutitle child widgets)

label string The text to appear on the menu title.


Activate This action causes a popup-type menu to become visible and appear at a selected (x,y) position on the page. When the user selects an item on the menu or clicks elsewhere on the page, the menu then disappears. Takes two parameters - X and Y, the (integer) positions on the page for the menu to appear.


Selected This event fires when a menu item is selected. It can be placed in the menu itself, or inside the menu item widget. When on a menu item, it only fires when that item is selected. When on a menu, it passes the selected item's value as a parameter named 'Item' (string).

Sample Code:

// Here's a sample menu with three buttons.
myMenu "widget/menu"
	x = 10; y = 10; width = 72;
	direction = "vertical"; popup = yes;
	m1 "widget/menuitem" { label="One"; }
	m2 "widget/menuitem" { label="Two"; }
	m3 "widget/menuitem" { label="Three"; }


(none yet)

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