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Centrallix Documentation
1. Getting Started
2. Applications Overview
3. Application Components
4. Reports Overview
5. Report Components
6. SQL Language
7. Process Modeling
8. Application Modeling
9. Role-Based Security
10. Business Logic Modeling
11. Other Objects
12. External API's
13. Internal API's


calendar :: Calendar-type view of event/schedule type data in an objectsource

visual: yes
container: no
form element: no


The calendar widget is used to present event/schedule types of data in a year, month, week, or day format. The data for the events on the calendar is obtained from an objectsource's query results, and as such, can be controlled via queries and other forms/tables associated with the same objectsource. The four formats are listed below and can be selected during app run-time.

Year - presents twelve months at a time in a low-detail type of setting; when events occur on a day, the day is highlighted, but no more data than that is displayed. If the user points the mouse at a given day, it will display in a popup "tooltip" type of manner the events associated with that day. If more than one year's worth of data is in the objectsource's replica, then multiple years are displayed one after the other. Each year is displayed as four rows of three months each, in traditional calendar format.

Month - presents one month's worth of data in a medium-detail display. For each month with data in the objectsource, the calendar will display the month as multiple rows, each row containing one week's worth of days. The calendar will attempt to display the various entries for each day, in order of priority, but will limit the amount of data displayed to keep the boxes for the days approximately visually square. Pointing at a day will show the events for the day in a popup, and pointing at an event in the day will show the details for that event.

Week - presents one week's worth of data in a high-detail display. For each week with data in the objectsource, the calendar will display the week as seven days with a large vertical extent capable of displaying all events for the day. The left edge of the display will contain times during the day for the day's events to line up with.

Day - presents an entire day's worth of data in a high-detail display. For each day with data in the objectsource, the calendar will display the day in full-width, with the day's events listed chronologically from top to bottom.

It should be noted that all of the data for the calendar must fit into the objectsource, or else the calendar will not display all of the available data. In this manner the calendar's display must be controlled via the objectsource's data.


The calendar widget can be placed inside of any visual container, but because its height can change, it is often placed inside of a scrollpane widget. This widget may not contain other visual widgets.


background string An image for the background of the calendar widget. Should be an ObjectSystem path.
bgcolor string A color, either named or numeric (RGB), for the background of the calendar. If neither bgcolor nor background are specified, the calendar's background is transparent.
displaymode string The visual display mode of the calendar - can be 'year', 'month', 'week', or 'day' (see the overview, above, for details on these modes). Defaults to 'year'.
eventdatefield string The name of the date/time field in the datasource containing the event date/time. A mandatory field.
eventdescfield string The name of the string field in the datasource containing the event's full description. If not supplied, descriptions will be omitted.
eventnamefield string The name of the string field in the datasource containing the event's short name. A mandatory field.
eventpriofield string The name of the integer field in the datasource containing the event's priority. If not supplied, priority checking is disabled.
height integer The height of the calendar, in pixels. If not specified, the calendar may grow vertically an indefinite amount in order to display its given data. If specified, however, the calendar will be limited to that size.
minpriority integer The minimum priority level for events that will be displayed on the calendar; the values for this integer depend on the nature of the 'priority' field in the data source; only events with priority values numerically higher than or equal to this minimum priority will be displayed. Defaults to 0.
width integer The width of the calendar, in pixels.
x integer x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the calendar, default is 0.
y integer y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the calendar, default is 0.

Child Properties:

none currently available


none currently available


none currently available

Client Properties:

none currently available

Sample Code:

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(none yet)

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