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report :: The top-level report object

visual: yes
container: yes


The report object is the top-level container for a report, and is the first object that should be listed in the structure file. It basically embodies the report itself.


This component should only be used at the top level, and should never be used inside another container. It may contain other report components such as queries, forms, sections, tables, etc. Typically, a set of "report/query" objects is specified first inside the "system/report", and then the content of the report (which uses the queries) comes next.


dateformat string Sets the default date/time format for the report. See the introduction to the reporting system documentation for date/time format information.
document_format string The content type to use for the generated report. Possible values typically include "application/pdf", "application/postscript", "text/html", "text/plain", "text/x-epson-escp-24", and "text/x-hp-pcl". A list of supported types can be found in the OSML directory /sys/cx.sysinfo/prtmgmt/output_types, and this list can be joined (via SQL) with /sys/cx.sysinfo/osml/types to generate a user-friendly list of supported output formats for reports.
margintop double The height of the top margin. Default is 3 6ths of an inch (0.5 inches).
marginbottom double The height of the bottom margin. Default is 3 6ths of an inch (0.5 inches).
marginleft double The width of the left margin. Default is 0.
marginright double The width of the right margin. Default is 0.
moneyformat string Sets the default currency format for the report. See the introduction to the reporting system documentation for money format information.
nullformat string Sets the default NULL data format for the report; this is used when data has a NULL value. By default, the text "NULL" is displayed.
pagewidth double The width of the physical page, in the specified units. The default is 85 10ths of an inch (8.5 inches).
pageheight double The height of the physical page, in the specified units. The default is 66 6ths of an inch (11 inches).
resolution integer Graphics resolution for the report, in dots per inch (DPI); typically set to 300, 600, or 1200. Any images/photos in the report will be rendered at this resolution, and this resolution sets the minimum width for borders and lines around tables and areas. This setting is NOT affected by the 'units' setting and is always in DPI.
title string The title for the report.
units string The units of measure to use for the report. This setting affects nearly all positioning and sizing values, including x, y, width, height, margins, and borders. Possible values are: "us_forms" (the default), meaning 10ths of an inch for x/width and 6ths of an inch for y/height; "inches"; "points" (72nds of an inch); "centimeters"; and "millimeters".

Child Properties:

none currently available

Sample Code:

myreport "system/report"
	minsize "report/parameter" { type=integer; default = 1; }  // a parameter.
	title = "This is a hello-world report";

	comment "report/data"
		value = "Hello World";


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